Wall Angle
Metallic profile in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The angle profiles are in “L”, used as perimeter profiles in the construction of continuous ceilings.
Cassete Keel
Metallic profile in galvanize steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The Cassette Keel profiles are the main structures for mounting the ceiling profile.
Ceiling Profile 47
Metallic profile in galvanize steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The Ceiling Profiles are HORIZONTAL profiles in the form of “C” used in the construction of ceilings and some cladding systems, which are applied to the suspended ceiling where later a plasterboard is bolted to them. The distance between these profiles depends on the type of assembly of structure.
Ceiling Profile 60
Metallic profile in galvanize steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The Ceiling Profiles are HORIZONTAL profiles in the form of “C” used in the construction of ceilings and some cladding systems, which are applied to the suspended ceiling where later a plasterboard is bolted to them. The distance between these profiles depends on the type of assembly of structure