Atache Omega
Metallic accessory in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The Atache Ómega is the accessory for fixing the M6 threaded rod to the mounting and suspended surface. Suitable for concrete, masonry, steel or wood surfaces.
Crosshead 47/18
Metallic accessory in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The crosshead is an accessory for the 47/18 or 60/27 double cross frame.
Crosshead 60/27
Metallic accessory in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The crosshead is an accessory for the 47/18 or 60/27 double cross frame.
Splice 47/18
Metallic accessory in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The splices are used to make extensions / connections between profiles.
Splice 60/27
Metallic accessory in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The splices are used to make extensions / connections between profiles.
Ceiling Accessories 47/18
Metallic accessory in galvanized steel manufacture using a cold galvanizing process.
Field of application
The Ceiling Accessories are suspended accessories used in ceiling construction and in some cladding systems, which are applied to mount profiles 47/18 and 60/27 to the celling, where later a plasterboard will be bolted. The distance between these profiles depends on the type of assembly of structure.
Pivot 60/27
Acessório metálico em aço galvanizado fabricado mediante processo de galvanização a frio.
Campo de Aplicação
Os pivots são acessórios para suspensão utilizados na construção de tetos e em alguns sistemas de revestimento, os quais são aplicados no teto para suspensão dos perfis 47/18 e 60/27 com um afastamento entre si dependente do tipo de solução a construir, aos quais são aparafusadas às placas de gesso.